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securities 가 증권이라는 뜻이 있는 줄을 몰라서.,

다시 한번 들어봤습니다~



Kim : What is the most popular licence in USA?


Ben : Popular? Probably insurance. In america, just like many other countries around the world, insurance and real estate make up the majority of millionaires[백만장자]. And that is because of the way the pay system works in real estate and insurance.


James : 부동산업자들이 값을 매길 수 있다..,


Ben : It is not., because of., the price of increase is just that human beings need place to live. So there is always demand of market for people looking for a house. You know, it is only places like Tokyo, Korea and now China, people living this the high rise buildings[고층건물]. Nobody else lives like that. Why? You know, I had another family, shocking 리글(??). You mean americans don't have apartment like this? No~ No way.

I don't know why korean think we live in a apartment system. We live in a housing system.

So, anyway, that is why real estate and insurance people usually make the majority of millionaires around the world. People has to have place to live.


James : Is it difficult to get a license?


Ben : Ah, I wouldn't say that is difficult because I have never got real estate license, but I have three different types of insurance licenses to sale basically just individual, life, property and casualty and stock and bond security licence. I have commercial and then I have broker's securities[증권] licence. And I am very lucky because they have to be renewed every year. And those licences can only be renewed if I am practicing. So friend of mine in New York, he owns a stockbroker company, he has my licence. And every year he claims that I work in the office. So I can renew my licence every year. So for the past 22 years, my licence is activating and it has been good.


Holiday : Is he have your licence?


Ben : Yes, now, you are gonna laugh, but my salary is $2. Because I have to have salary, I have to have money. He cannot sit there and just claim my licence, and I live in Korea, and then No, he shows usually 1 transaction[거래], normally my friend makes transaction, and then he makes me as a co-signer and then my salary for that transaction is $2. So it shows that I earn $2, I earn income from that office. So that licence is legal.

Now, do I ever in my life want do that kind of work? Hell No,. That is one of the hardest jobs in the world. Because you are guessing a money future, If you guess wrong, people lose all their money. Incredibly stressful. I think insurance is easier to sell. Because everybody needs insurance. Now when people are young, nobody wants to pay for insurance, because you think "I don't need insurance 40 or 50 years from now, I don't need it, I need it when I am old." So when you are young most people don't want to pay for it.

And the licences for insurance and securities especially securities is not easy, it is one of the most difficult licence to obtain in America. That is why you don't see many people with that kind of licence.

Now what happens, let's say, for example, you walk into, I wanna use real estate. And maybe there are 2 people or 3 people in training. Now these people can show you the house. They can show you the different lalala~ But they cannot do anything paper work or anything. It has to a licence real estate broker sitting in front of you giving you an advise telling you did collecting you papers signatures, it has to be.

And as I said to you, in america, you never work(??) into an office everybody has a licence even the secretary, even the secretary has a licence.

And the same thing selling securities in New York stock exchange, everybody has a licence unlike in Korea. [635]


Holiday Jo : Sorry Ben., what kind of security is that?



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